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Primary energy demand, UK, 1995 to 2021, million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe)

A large majority of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions are produced as a result of energy consumption. Primary energy demand is the energy the UK needs for consumption and things like operating oil refineries and power stations, this has fallen since 2000.

The UK’s energy mix has shifted away from coal. This met 16% of demand and renewables 1% in 2000. By 2021 coal was meeting 3% and renewable energy 15%, mainly from bioenergy and wind. Fossil fuels remain important, including oil for transport and gas for energy generation and heating.

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Source: Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy

  1. These estimates have not been adjusted for temperature or seasonal factors. Estimates adjusted for these are available within the source indicated.

  2. Net imports may include imports from all fuel types.