ImportantFrom September 2023, data will no longer be updated on this site, but will remain available until at least September 2024. You can find up-to-date data from ONS, central government via and devolved governments via Welsh Government, Scottish Government and Northern Ireland.

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Number of records added to register for existing homes energy efficiency rating, 2009 to 2020, England and Wales

Only 3% of new EPCs were recorded in the energy efficient rates of A or B with D rating accounting for 42% in 2020.

Certificates lodged on the Energy Performance of Buildings Registers since 2008, including average energy efficiency ratings, energy use, carbon dioxide emissions, fuel costs, average floor area sizes and numbers of certificates recorded. Energy Performance Certificates gives homes a rating from A being the most efficient to G being the least efficient.

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Source: Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

  1. Please note, this chart does not yet include the latest available data (see Live tables on Energy Performance of Buildings Certificates), but will be updated as soon as possible.